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Pianopro Enr.
1099, rue Principale, Beresford, N.B. Canada.
Tel.:506.545.6060 sans frais/toll free: 1.888.944.6600
À propos de Sylvain Doucet
-Accordeur de piano
Diplomé en 1994 de l'American School of Piano Tuning, membre de l' Association Canadienne des Accordeurs de Pianos. C.A.P.T.
- Natif de bathurst N.B.
- Propriétaire de Pianopro enr depuis 1994
- Accordeur de piano désservant le nord du Nouveau-Brunswick et le sud de la Gaspésie
- Musicien professionnel bassiste faisant parti de groupes acadiens tels que: Danny Party, Familia, Nova ...
- Il complémente sa carrière en enseignant la musique(clavier, guitare et base) à son studio à Beresford,N.B.
About Sylvain Doucet
Piano Tuner since 1994 from the American school of Piano Tuning and member of The Canadian Association of Piano Tuners. C.A.P.T.
-Born in Bathurst N.B.
-Owner of Pianopro enr since 1994
- Piano tuner serving northern new-Brunswick and southern Gaspé coast.
- Professionnal musician ,bass player, in Acadian groups like Danny Party, Familia, Nova...
- Completes his musical career by teaching ( Keyboard, guitar and bass) in his studio in Beresford N.B.

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